Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Music Informatics at City University, London

Passing on this good information from Tillman Weyde at City University, London:

The City University London is offering 75 Research Studentships to begin in October 2011. The Music Informatics research group in the Department of Computing at City University would particularly
like to encourage PhD applications in the area of Music Computing and Music Informatics.

Research interests in the Music Informatics research group include:

- music information retrieval
- computational musicology
- musical applications of machine learning
- semantic music representation
- systems and user interfaces for music e-learning and music information retrieval

Information about the Music Informatics research group and
the Research Studentship application procedures can be found
online at




The closing date for applications is the 31st January 2011.
If you are interested in applying get in touch with Tillman
Weyde (tweyde@uos.de) soon to discuss further details.